Hello and welcome!
I am Anna, a textile and knitwear designer based in Hamburg, Germany. I completed my Masters in Textile Design, where I discovered my love for bold and colourful patterns and where I focused on ecofriendly materials and sustainable textiles.
I run a small business where I sell colourful and ecofriendly knit accessories and knitting patterns. When I design a new product or create a new knitting pattern, I spend hours thinking about colour combinations and material choices as for me this is the most important part.
As a maker I want to be responsible with the materials I work with: I try to always use natural materials, recycled yarns and recycled paper, search for local fibers and use up as many leftover yarns as possible.
I hope to slow down today's fast-moving consumer society by creating colourful as well as ecofriendly individual pieces and to encourage people to make their very own unique piece of clothing, made slowly and thoughtfully.